March 7, 2019 Lent Daily Devotional: Speaking and Listening


Speaking and Listening

I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.

Because he bends down to listen,
I will pray as long as I have breath! ~ 
PSALM 116:1-2 (NLT)

There have been times in my life when I’ve desperately needed someone to listen to me. But sometimes the things I have to say are too shocking or I’m just not ready to share them with another set of ears at that moment. However, to paraphrase the psalmist, the Lord hears my voice and He bends down to listen to me. He’s unconcerned with Himself in that moment; His only wish is to hear what His child has to say and to hear me voice my struggles. He already knows my heart; therefore, He knows exactly where I’m coming from.

I recently went through an extremely tough time and I couldn’t grasp the reason for it. I asked Him for mercy and understanding. He bent down as I spoke, and He listened to me intently. He listened to me voice my dissatisfaction with Him, my questions, my unbelief. And through it all, I could hear only a still whisper telling me to follow His will, to stay on the narrow path and not drift left or right.

God knows our hearts. He knows we want to speak to Him, but sometimes we just can’t humble ourselves. All we have to do is speak. God will bend down from heaven just for us — to listen to our most trivial desires and deepest hopes. God is the one who makes the trek from heaven to earth to listen to us. We just have to meet Him right where we are.

God, please give me the humility to seek you and know in my heart that you’re only a prayer away at any given time.