April 7, 2019 Lent Daily Devotional: Some Bunny Loves You...


Some Bunny Loves You...

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved. ~ EPHESIANS 2:4-5 (NIV)

Easter is coming with all the egg hunts, egg dyeing, chocolate candy, and the arrival of the Easter Bunny. What? Stop right there. Why am I writing about the Easter Bunny and all the secular traditions of the Easter season? One reason is that they are fun to do. The other is to remind us they can be done in coordination with the real reason for the season. (During the Christmas season, we see bumper stickers of “Keep Christ in Christmas” and “Jesus is the reason for the season.”)

Personally knowing the “big guy in the red suit and white beard,” I can assure you that all of his actions are because of love. He gives gifts because of love. He sees kids all the time and looks in their eyes and sees their need to be loved. Likewise, the Easter Bunny leaves eggs and baskets full of candy because of love.

Love is the heart of the seasons. During the Christmas season, we thank God for loving us so much that He gave us His Son. At Easter, we recognize God’s love for us in sacrificing His Son on the cross.

Both were merciful gifts to us to show us the power of love and, in turn, we can express that love toward others.

Each Saturday when I attend Kids Alley for the children of Camden, love is at the heart of our reaction to the children who attend. We never know what is going on in their lives, but we are called to love them no matter what. Each time a child sits on Santa’s knee, Santa doesn’t know what the child’s background is, but he shows love to them anyway. Like it or not, the Easter Bunny comes each year, whether the kids are good or bad. Christ is ever present and sees if we do good or bad, and yet loves us anyway.

Father God, thank you for just loving us. Even when we don’t deserve it, we know we are loved. Amen.