March 29, 2019 Lent Daily Devotional: Little Things Matter


Little Things Matter to God

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. ~ JOHN 6:9, 11 (NIV)

Sometimes I get really frustrated because I think I’m not doing enough for God. I see people with great ministries who are having a positive effect, making a big difference for Jesus. Then I wonder if what I do in my little corner of the world really matters.

That’s when I am reminded of the young boy with the five small loaves and two little fish. That tiny amount of food certainly wouldn’t feed 50 people, let alone over 5,000 ... until he gave it to Jesus. Only He can take our miniscule little offerings and turn them into something huge or amazing or beautiful.

Have you ever complimented someone and watched their reaction? Held a door open for someone who was struggling? Sent a card, note, or email to someone who needed a lift? Gave a kind word or even just a smile to a stranger? Gave up a parking spot that rightfully should have been yours? Let someone go ahead of you in the grocery line? Called someone just to ask how they were? Donated to a food pantry? Spent some time with a lonely older person? Told the manager of a store or restaurant how much you appreciated one of their employees? Listened to someone who needed a non- judgmental ear? Helped a mother with her young children who just needed a hand? Been there for someone who was going through a tough time and needed a shoulder to lean on? Offered assistance to a neighbor who looked like they could use it?

God notices all these things and He uses them for His good. We are His hands and feet in this world, and these little things are often how we make a difference for Jesus. If we offer nothing to God, He will have nothing to use. But He can take what little we have and turn it into something great.

Father, help me to remember that it doesn’t matter the size of what I do for you. What matters is my heart and how I show others your love.