Love Is

Journey of Paul

Week 2

Wednesday, February 7

Love Is

1 Corinthians 13:4,7

Love is patient, love is kind.  7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is a four-letter word. 

One of the greatest mysteries that we as humans try to plum the depths of is this challenging thing called love.  While love can be challenging, it is still the greatest thing.  Will there ever be a moment where we feel like we have understood it fully?  Will a songwriter ever run out of images, metaphors, or words because everything that has ever been said about love has been already said?  Sometimes it is easier for us to understand something by what it is and by what it is not.  The apostle Paul does this in the next section of this love chapter.  He goes on to describe what love is (today), and what love is not (tomorrow’s devotional).  

The challenge with this part of scripture is that when we make the translation into the English language, most translations will put the description of love as more descriptive and ethereal than personified.  For example - Love is something.  Love is patient and kind.  But the proper way to actually translate this would be more like this - love is someone who is patient, love is someone who is kind. While it is easier to just say what love is… I think we can miss a very powerful moment and meaning here. 

We are always trying to find ways to personify or simplify the mysterious.  So why wouldn’t we take advantage of this language to do it here?  I am careful to remind couples at their weddings (if they choose this scripture) about this truth.  Love just isn’t a thing that is patient, it is a person who is practicing patience.  The thing about relationships is that there will always be another person there to reveal the truth about who we are and how we love.  I can easily say that I am a patient person, but if I am standing next to my spouse, she might have a different take on it.  It is best to be careful about our choice of words when we are within elbow distance of our spouse or partner. 

Patience and kindness have to be expressed and lived out.  I also remind couples that as they make their vows, which are promises and words to express their love, they need to put these words into practice.  They must take their vows with them and live them out.  Our vows cannot stay at the altar, but need to be put in practice with the other.  The challenge is that often patience and kindness will not remain static, there will always be an active opportunity to put patient love and kind love into practice.  There will always be someone in your love that needs your patience and kindness.  Don’t be shocked if you encounter that person today.  Be love to and for someone today.  Love is someone who is patient.  Love is someone who is kind.  You are that someone. 


Lord, help me to love.  Amen